nedelja, 31. oktober 2010

Stati inu obstati
To stand and withstand

Danes je dan reformacije,
zato začenjam ta zapis z besedami Trubarja,
ki je bil začetnik le-te v Sloveniji.

Za številčno majhen narod je izjemnega pomena dejstvo,
da je avtor prvih dveh tiskanih knjig,
napisanih v slovenskem jeziku.

With this famous archaic phrase from Primož Trubar,
written in the title,
I’m beginning this post today,
when we celebrate the Reformation Day here in Slovenia. 

A priest Primož Trubar was Slovenian protestant
reformer in 16th century, born in 1508.
He was the author of the first
printed books in Slovenian language:
Katekizem in Abecednik (Catechismus and Abecedarium).
They were published in 1550.
For a nation of only 2 millions
it is of utmost importance.

The oldest preserved written text in Slovene however
is more than thousand years old. 

They say that our language is very difficult.
Among other things it is one of rare ones that use the dual. 

So, here I am posting a mini Slovene-English dictionary
for all of you readers around the world;
so that when I’ll stop writing in English,
you will understand me.

Just kidding! :)

sobota, 30. oktober 2010

Adijo, pikniki!
Goodbye, picnics!

Odeti v topla oblačila smo se danes poslovili
od letošnje sezone piknikov na prostem;

All dressed up in warm clothes
we ended this year’s out-door picnic season today:

že napol podrt piknik-šotor; 

half way down picnic-tent:

ples jesenskega listja v zraku; 

autumn leaves air-dance:


petek, 29. oktober 2010

sreda, 27. oktober 2010

Širši pogled
Zoom out

Tale zlatojesensko navdahnjena slika
je za krajši čas postavljena na stranski tir,
medtem pa vam pokažem nekoliko širši pogled nanjo;

While this golden autumn inspired painting
is being put on hold for a while,
I’m showing you a little wider view:

ponedeljek, 25. oktober 2010

Še dve mini darilci
Two more mini gifts

Dve mali pozornosti, poviti s trakom,
ki sem ga oblikovala s podobo AVGUSTvarjanj; 

Two little attentions decorated with a ribbon
that I designed with the AVGUSTvarjanja image:

Podoba vzeta s te slike na steklu. 

Image taken from this painting on glass.

nedelja, 24. oktober 2010

V nastajanju
In progress

Nova AVGUSTvarjanja slika na steklu v nastajanju;

New AVGUSTvarjanja painting on glass in progress:

sobota, 23. oktober 2010

Skrivnosti gozda
Mysteries of forest

Rada imam gozd.
Zdi se mi tako pravljično skrivnosten.
Vendar sem vse do danes mislila,
da smo obiskovalci opazovani malo bolj diskretno.
Kaj pravite na to; 

I love forest.
I find it so magically mysterious.
But somehow I have always thought that we, visitors,
are being watched a little more discretely.
What about that:

četrtek, 21. oktober 2010

Srček na sivki
Lavender heart

Proti koncu poletja je bilo, ko me je Didi vprašala,
če lahko uporabi enega od mojih motivov
na svojih vrečkah s sivko.

Beseda je dala besedo in pred kratkim sem prejela paket, ki je tako lepo dišal,
da sem vedela, kaj je notri, še preden sem ga odprla;

The summer was almost over, when Didi asked me
if she can use one of my motifs on her lavender sachets.

One thing led to another and last week I recieved so aromatic package,
that its content was revealed before I managed to open it:

Zgodba pa se tu ne konča... 

But this is not the end of the story...

sreda, 20. oktober 2010

Koledarji 2011
Calendars 2011

Vem, do takrat je še daleč, pa vendar:
s pomočjo vzorčkov z mojih AVGUSTvarjanj
sem oblikovala 6 koledarčkov,
ki so od danes na voljo v moji spletni trgovinici.

I know, it's not quite here yet, but anyway:
I designed 6 calendars
with my AVGUSTvarjanja images and
from today on they are available in my little shop.

ponedeljek, 18. oktober 2010

Barva: zláta
Color: gold

Predstavljam najnovejšo pomočnico, s katero sem naknadno okrasila 
eno od mojih nekaj let starih slik na steklu: »Bronze metallic paste«. 

Omenila sem tudi, da sem pred leti že uporabljala zlato okrasje na svojih slikah,
vendar takrat »Liquid leaf« (ki ga tudi lahko vidite na zgornji povezavi).

Introducing my newest assistant, who helped me redecorate one of my
few years old paintings on glass: “Bronze metallic paste”. 

I also mentioned, that I had already been using gold decoration on my paintings years ago,
but at that time it was “Liquid leaf” (which you can also find on the link above).

Najdragocenejše zlato pa leži vsenaokoli nas; 

While the most valuable gold is laying all around us:

Mimogrede še to:
pred kratkim sem v galeriji na svoji spletni strani AVGUSTvarjanja
zamenjala razstavljene slike z nekaterimi novejšimi.

Vabljeni k ogledu! 

A little notice:
recently I replaced my paintings in the gallery
on my web page AVGUSTvarjanja with some new ones.

You are welcome to take a look!

nedelja, 17. oktober 2010


Pokušnja mošta v Jurčičevi sobi
Pri Obrščaku na Muljavi
v začetku iztekajočega se tedna.

Tasting must at Pri Obrščaku in Muljava
earlier this week.
It’s a little town south-east of the capital Ljubljana,
where Josip Jurčič, one of our famous writers, was born.

Miro and I were enjoying this delicious young wine
in the room which carries the writer’s name.

petek, 15. oktober 2010

Darilni trak
Gift ribbon

Šopek lilij, prepleten s trakom,
ki sem ga oblikovala z vzorčkom AVGUSTvarjanj
- najino darilce sestrični za diplomo; 

A bouquet of lilies, trimmed with a ribbon
which I designed from AVGUSTvarjanja pattern –
- from Miro and me for my cousin’s diploma:

četrtek, 14. oktober 2010

Iz Rusije
From Russia

Pred kakim tednom sem iz Maribora
prejela tole luštkano kartico. 

Poslala mi jo je Polina,
simpatična Rusinja, ki živi v Sloveniji.

Prav zato sem za kuliso izbrala babuške,
te izvirne tradicionalne lesene ruske igračke,
ki mi jih je v začetku osemdesetih
prinesel oči z izleta v rusko prestolnico, Moskvo.

Spomnim se, koliko veselja nama je s sestro naredil
in kako vneto sva jih odpirali, zlagali, zapirali
in še enkrat ponovno od začetka. :)

About a week ago I got
this cute postcard from Maribor. 

It was sent to me as a giveaway by Polina,
a lovely Russian, living here, in Slovenia.

That is why I decided to combine this card
with something Russian that I have.
These little babushka dolls my father brought me
from visiting Russian capital Moscow
in the beginning of the eighties.

I remember how much fun they caused me and my sister.
We were opening and closing them over and over again
and in-between lining them up. :)

Hvala, Polina! :) 

Thank you, Polina! :)

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