ponedeljek, 30. julij 2012

Nor vikend
A crazy weekend

Konec tedna je bil pester. Pred neusmiljeno vročino se ni dalo skriti nikjer. Niti pod improvizirano streho na pikniku v Logatcu niti kasneje, ko sem se raje umaknila pod bolj prijazno sosednjo trto. (slika 1)

Petkova otvoritev je krasno uspela! Kako lepo je slišati od ljudi, da so jim moje slike všeč in od nekaterih celo da jih imajo doma ali pa so jih videli pri kom drugem, slike, na katere sem skorajda že pozabila.
Skratka, spoznala sem, da bi jih morala večkrat postaviti na ogled, takole v živo je res čez vse. Prijeten občutek. Toplo pri srcu. S ščepcem adrenalina. :)
Fotoaparat je bil tokrat za spremembo v Mirovih rokah in je med drugim zabeležil tudi ta utrinek. (slika 2)

Poleg tega je z dogodki prenatrpan vikend postregel še z veliko smeha zaradi torte (bolje rečeno njenih ostankov), ki nam je bila, po tem, ko je bila doma narejena in (nedvomno) slastna in lepo okrašena ter takoj za tem, tik pred našim prihodom, zaradi nerodnosti vržena po tleh, postrežena kar v loncu, saj je kljub nesreči izgledala bolj mikavno kot tista naknadno kupljena v trgovskem centru. Seveda, očitno sem se raje smejala kot fotografirala. :)

Nedelja je bila malenkost bolj umirjena, če ne upoštevam dejstva, da me je Miro že takoj po izteku sobote praktično prisilil [»Sestavinam bo potekel rok!« :)], da naredim tiramisu za h kavici in fotoprojekciji naslednji dan.

Super vikend pravzaprav!

The end of the week was full of events. There was no way to escape the relentless heat, even under an improvised roof at the picnic in Logatec, not even later when I rather moved myself under a bit friendlier nearby vine. (picture 1)

The opening was a success! It is so nice to hear from people that they like my paintings, from some even that they own one or they’ve seen it at somebody else, paintings that I’ve nearly forgotten about.
Anyway, I realized that I should do this more often, show my paintings live to people like I did it on Friday. Nice feeling. Warm at heart. With a pinch of adrenaline. :) 
This time Miro was in charge of my photo camera. He documented the event and here’s one of the moments he caught. (picture 2)

Beside all that this busy weekend gave us also plenty of laughter because of the homemade and (undoubtedly) delicious and beautifully decorated cake (or better its leftovers) that we ate from a pot. Because of the clumsiness it fell off the plate just before we arrived, so they served us with not-even-close-as-good cake bought in the shopping centre after the accident. Of course, I obviously rather laughed than photographed. :)

Sunday was a bit more peaceful, if I don’t take into account that Miro already after the end of Saturday practically forced me [“The ingredients are about to expire!” :)] to make tiramisu to enjoy it the next day together with coffee in a photo-projection afternoon.

Great weekend actually!

nedelja, 29. julij 2012


Ko so včeraj Višnjo Goro, kjer je ta vikend potekal Anin sejem, obsijali
še zadnji sončni žarki, so se začeli v starem mestnem jedru zbirati ljudje.

Našo razstavo si lahko po predhodnem dogovoru ogledate še do sredine avgusta.
[tisti, ki bi si to želeli, mi lahko sporočite na moj e-naslov]

Yesterday at sunset people started gathering in the charming
old centre of Višnja Gora to enjoy in St. Ana’s Fair weekend.

petek, 27. julij 2012

Moje stene so prazne
My walls are empty

Moje slike v družinskem krogu v sklopu Aninega sejma
gostujejo na razstavi v Višnji Gori. Vesela! :)

My paintings are at the exhibition in Višnja Gora town house
together with art products of other members of my family.

sreda, 25. julij 2012

Do konca sonca
Till the end of sun

Škorčica in Dinozaver tvorita najboljši kolaž! :)
Te besede sem nanj dopisala Miru za rojstni dan:

Do konca sonca je premalo časa
za vse poljube, ki jih želim deliti,
za vse objeme, v katerih se želim izgubiti,
za vse dotike, ob katerih se želim stopiti,
za vse poglede, v katere se želim uloviti.

Škorčica and Dinosaur make the best collage! :)
It was my gift for Miro’s birthday,
together with the tiny love poem I wrote above.

torek, 24. julij 2012

78 in sangrija
78 and sangria

Dva sadna utrinka s tega konca tedna, zelen z najine rojstnodnevne zabave
in rdeč z ibiškega večera, ki sta ga pripravila bratranec in njegovo dekle.

Two fruity moments from the weekend, the green one from Miro’s and my birthday party
and the red one from Ibiza evening, prepared by my cousin and his girlfriend.

petek, 20. julij 2012

Železni repertoar
Iron repertoire

Takole običajno izgleda moj obrok, kadar ga pripravljam samo zase.
Obožujem testeninske solate. Tokratna je s tuno, fižolom,
paradižnikom, poprom in olivnim oljem.
Lep konec tedna!

This is how my meal usually looks like when I have to prepare it just for myself.
I'm a huge fan of pasta-salads. This one was with tuna, beans,
tomatoes, pepper and olive oil.
Have a nice weekend!

četrtek, 19. julij 2012

Ah, pivo...
Ah, beer...

Sem bila lačna kot volk in se mi je kar na lepem zahotelo pice. Ampak - potem, ko se naješ,
znova ugotoviš, kako paše pivo ob koncu vročega poletnega dne! :)

I was hungry lika a wolf and daydreaming of pizza. But - then, after finishing it,
you realize again that there is nothing better than a beer after a long hot summer day! :)

torek, 17. julij 2012

Šmartno ob mraku
Šmartno at dusk

Kakorkoli, po ogledu slik, nekje med pogovori in lebdenjem med razgreto galerijo s pripadajočimi pritličnimi prostori, kjer so se mize šibile od dobrot, še posebej sem bila navdušena nad koruznimi zrni, obdelanimi na nek hrustljav, meni neznan način (predzadnji posnetek prejšnje objave), in zunanjščino, luštno uličico v sredozemskem stilu, kjer je vlekel osvežujoč veter, sva se z Mirom odločila za en sprehod, kar tako, s kozarcem vina v rokah, saj sva se počutila tako domače, uličice so bile kot podaljšek galerije in célo mestece pravzaprav kot ena velika prijazna kamnita hiša z nebom namesto strehe, kjer je tu in tam posedala kakšna družba, célo Šmartno je kot razstava na prostem, celo dobesedno, saj so hiše opremljene s fotografijami prenove.

[Uf, tole je bila ena (1!) poved. Že tako ali tako pogosto rada pišem na tak način, če pa imam za deliti občutek, ki je kar prelep za ubesediti, pa se mi zdi, da moram vse povedati v eni sapi, ker če bi prekinila s piko, bi se mi le-ta izmuznil, še toliko, kot ga sploh lahko opišem. Še dobro, da imam kdaj prebliske tudi s kratkimi stavki. Le-ti so marsikdaj celo zgovornejši.]

Anyway, after viewing the paintings, somewhere between talks and lingering between heated gallery with its ground floor spaces where tables were weakened by goodies, I was especially excited by corn seeds prepared in some crispy way, unknown to me (the photo before the last in the previous post), and the outside cute little Mediterranean style alley refreshed by a wind, Miro and I decided to take a walk, just like that with a glass of wine in a hand, feeling so comfortably home. Those alleys were like the extension of the gallery and the whole town was actually like one big pleasant roofless stone house, where here and there a group of people sat, the whole Šmartno looks like an open air gallery, even literary, since the houses are decorated with the town’s renovation photos.

[I’m sorry about the long sentence. My language is so fluent it just invites you to write without a dot and I often like to make such long sentences when I want to share a feeling too beautiful to be put into words, so I have to write it in one breath, because even a dot is too sharp for it and it can easily slip away, even the one that I can describe. But I did cut the upper paragraph in two, unlike in my language, because I’m afraid otherwise you loose in these my poor English acrobatics anyway. :) On fortunately I sometimes have short-sentence flashes, too.]

nedelja, 15. julij 2012

Kok je lepo!
Ain't it pretty!

Sestrine slike, zame eno najlepših zatočišč duše, prostor, če si ga sploh drznem tako grobo omejiti, a primerne besede za to ni, kjer si misli spočijejo in kjer domišljija popotuje naokoli, so v četrtek zaživele še na eni otvoritvi.

Čute nam je dodatno razvnelo še čarobno staro mestece Šmartno v Brdih, ki gosti razstavo. Vanj sva se zagledala že lani, a zdaj, ko je obnova končana, je to res pravi arhitekturni biser, tisto, ko zaradi vsega pravkar doživetega kar naprej ponavljaš Joj, kok je lepo!, da se ti že dozdeva, da greš ljudem počasi na živce. :)

Razstava je na ogled še do 19. avgusta.

My sister’s paintings, for me one of the most beautiful havens of a soul, a place, if I dare to limit it anyway, but there is no proper word for it, where thoughts relax and where imagination roam around, did become alive again on Thursday at yet another opening.

Our senses were additionally lighted up by the magic little old town Šmartno in Brda region that hosts the exhibition. Miro and I were enchanted with it already last year, but now when the renovation is over it is truly an architectural pearl. You know, when you keep repeating Oh, ain’t it pretty! and you feel like you’re slowly starting to get on everybody’s nerves because of that. :)

četrtek, 12. julij 2012

Če napišem SEKSI v naslov ...
If I put SEXY in the title ...

… bo imela ta objava zagotovo veliko ogledov. :)

… this post will get lots of views for sure. :)

Fige so moj najljubši sadež. In tale solata po receptu Jamieja Oliverja mi je ena najslajših jedi. Ker je enostavna in tudi seksi, kot pravi slavni kuhar. :)

Pred leti sem jo nekajkrat naredila, prvič za svoj rojstni dan pred osmimi leti (na prvi sliki, ki jo je posnel Miro), zato sem se zadnjič, ko jo je naredila mami (na drugi sliki), spomnila, da bi se z njo lahko spet bolj pogosto sladkali.

Fige sem ne čisto do konca križno prerezala, jih razprla, med njihove krake zapletla rezine pršuta, potresla s koščki mocarele in baziliko ter vse skupaj prelila s polivko iz olivnega olja, limoninega soka, medu, soli in popra.

Škoda, da se ni kdo pri nas kdaj kaj takega spomnil skup dati, hehe, saj, glede na sestavine, ki so v večini cvet naše kulinarične zapuščine, s katero se upravičeno ponašamo, pršut, med, olivno olje, sol, fige, bi bila to z lahkoto naša tradicionalna jed. :)

Figs are my favourite fruit. And this salad by Jamie Oliver is one of my most delicious dishes. Because it’s simple and also sexy, according to the famous chef. :)

Years ago I had made it a few times, first time for my birthday eight years ago (first picture, taken by Miro), so when my mum made it the other day (second picture) I remembered that I should prepare it from time to time again.

This could easily be Slovenian national dish, why has nobody thought of this before?, hehe, as the majority of ingredients are our traditional gourmet products that we're very proud of: pršut (=prosciutto), olive oil, honey, salt,figs, with all the rest ingredients being either produced here, too, or are very familiar in our temporary cooking.

Here’s the recipe on Oliver’s page.

sreda, 11. julij 2012

Zebra, metulji, mucke. In sladica.
Zebra, butterflies, kittens. And a dessert.

V sestričninem novem stanovanju. S sladico, ki smo jo dobili na koncu. :)

In my cousin’s new apartment. And a dessert that we got at the end. :)

torek, 10. julij 2012

Igra divjega

Ni lepšega, kot oblikovati predstavitveno zgibanko za sestrino slikarsko razstavo.

Otvoritev tokratne, Igre divjega, bo v četrtek, 12. julija,
ob 8-ih zvečer v galeriji Hiša kulture, Šmartno 38-40,
v čudoviti vasici v Brdih, ki je lani popolnoma očarala tudi naju.

Obeta se lep večer. Vabljeni!

There is nothing better than designing a brochure for my sister’s painting exhibition.

The opening of this one is going to be this Thursday evening
in a little village called Šmartno in Brda region
by which we were totally impressed last year, as well.

It’s going to be a wonderful evening!

ponedeljek, 9. julij 2012

Višnja Gora danes

Višnja Gora town today.

petek, 6. julij 2012

Petkova osvežitev
Friday's refreshment

Tele koktejlčke sem za sestro in najboljšo prijateljico naredila včeraj zvečer, ko smo se dobile na čveku.

Za tri velike kozarce, v katere sem najprej dala kocke ledu, sem porabila sok ene in pol pomaranče, deci kokte, 3 male žličke sladkorja in vse skupaj premešala. Nato sem vsakemu do vrha dolila radensko in okrasila s krhlji preostale polovice pomaranče in vejicami mete.

Na lep osvežen konec tedna, brez toče seveda!

I made these cocktails for my sister and my best friend yesterday evening, when we met up for a chat.

For three big glasses filled with ice cubes I needed juice of one and a half orange, one dl of Cockta, the legendary Slovenian beverage founded in the early 50’s, 3 teaspoons of sugar and mixed everything. Then I added Radenska to fill them up and decorated them with slices of the remaining half orange and with mint leaves.

Here’s to a nice refreshed weekend, hopefully without hale!

sreda, 4. julij 2012

Brenčanje od plaže do plaže
Buzzing around beaches

(... nadaljevanje od včeraj)

Dneve smo pretežno preživljale v senci na velikem čolnu, se zabavale, jedle, pile, plesale, se smejale in plavale, ko pa je najhujša pripeka minila, smo z malim gumenjakom, komaj dovolj velikim za štiri punce in njihove plažne dodatke in seveda vesla za plan b, nikoli se ne ve :), odbrenčale naokoli po čudovitih plažah.

En večer, ko smo se vračale z ene osamljene, nebeške plaže, smo se s tem istim mini čolnom mimogrede odpravile še na ogled Zrč, znane žurerske plaže. Ko smo parkirale našega gumenjaka na pomolu enega od tamkajšnjih lokalov, zraven nekih mnogo večjih in zaresnih čolnov, so njihovi lastniki odobravajoče z nasmeškom na obrazu spremljali naše manevre in dali palec gor puncam za samozavest in spretnost. :)

Kasneje, ko smo hodile naokoli od enega bolj nagnetenega (in rjavega) bazena od drugega, od lokala do lokala, nas je nenadoma minila želja po prej načrtovani večerni pijački, zato smo samo nejeverno gledale in se čudile, kaj se je zgodilo s to nekoč privlačno plažo, kljub temu da smo že prej vedele/videle/slišale, da je zdaj tam, milo rečeno, pijanska gnojnica.

Ker pa nikakor ne morem končat tako nagravžno - punce, tale muskica je za vas! :)

(... continued from yesterday)

We spent most of the days in the shadow on the big boat, partying, eating, drinking, dancing, laughing, swimming and at not-so-hot parts of the days buzzing around gorgeous beaches with the small boat, just hardly big enough for four girls with all our beach accessories and with paddles as a plan b, you never know! :)

One late afternoon, returning from one peaceful heavenly beach, we even went on a curiosity mission to Zrče, the famous party beach, parking that mini rubber boat directly at one of pub-piers aside some serious fancy boats, whose owners were smiling at us and giving us thumbs up in approval of being so self-confident and skilful girls. :)

Later, when walking around those crowded (and brown) club-pools and beach pubs, our wish of having an evening drink there suddenly disappeared, so we were just looking in disbelief and wondering at what happened to this once attractive beach, even though we had known/seen/heard already that it’s a drunken slurry now to say the least.

But because there’s no way to end it like this, so disgustingly – girls, this one is for you! :)
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