petek, 31. januar 2014

četrtek, 30. januar 2014

Little devil

sobota, 25. januar 2014

Zlata prha
A golden shower

Že jutro je obetalo lep izlet, a nastalo je še veliko več kot to.

Zašla sva v tak lep sončen - in končno zimski – dan, da vse krasote kar nisem mogla vpiti vase in sem Miru vsakič, ko so naju iznenada presenetili drugi pohodniki, potihem potožila, joj, kok mi je nerodno, sploh jih nisem prej opazila, jaz se pa derem kot en otrok! :)

Vse se je bleščalo v soncu, na lica se nama je neprestano vsipal sneg z dreves, na vsake toliko sva se ustavila, zaprla oči in pustila tej zlati sneženi mani, da naju prekrije s sončnim zdravjem. Ni je boljše obrazne lepotne terapije.

Gozd je bil ves v lesketajočih se meglicah, pršilo je tako zelo, da se mi je moj ubogi fotoaparat kar zasmilil, ko ga je zametavalo, ja, zaradi pršeče veselice sem komaj fotografirala, pa vseeno ravno le-te ne ujela, z vej so neprestano padale take količine snega, da sva se počutila kot v finalu tekme v kepanju. Kakšna veselica! In nasmejana lica. :)

It was already the morning that was promising a beautiful hike, but what happened was so much more than this.

We walked into such sunny – and finally wintery – day. I was overwhelmed by the fact that I just can not absorb all that gorgeousness, so every time that some other hikers surprised us I quietly said to Miro: oh dear, I’m so embarrassed, I didn’t see them coming at all and was screaming like a child! :)

Everything was shining in the sun, our cheeks were constantly dusted by the snow spraying from trees and every now and then we stopped, closed our eyes and let that golden snowy mana cover us with sunny health. There is no better facial beauty therapy than this.

The forest was all in glittering mists, the snow-showers were so intense that my poor camera hardly survived, yes, because of those naughty showers I hardly photographed, but even though couldn’t catch them just because of them. There were snowballs falling down from the branches, constantly and so many that we felt like competing in a snowball-throwing finale. Such joy! And happy faces. :)

petek, 24. januar 2014

sreda, 22. januar 2014

Ne tič ne miš
Neither fish nor fowl

Je vrag, ko objavi ne morem prilepiti nobene sezonske oznake. Tole ni ne tč ne mš.

Pač pa razmišljam, če naj uvedem novo oznako »zdravilno«, ker – takile pogledi imajo blagodejen vpliv na počutje, mar ne!

It’s annoying when you can not give any of the season labels on the post. This is neither fish nor fowl [or, neither fowl nor mouse, as we say :)].

Thinking though, should I add a new label “healing”, because – such views have beneficial effect to our well-being, haven’t they!

ponedeljek, 20. januar 2014

Vremenska napoved: pistacija z meglo
Weather forecast: pistachio with fog

Doma narejenih čokoladnih lučk, ene s kokosovim in druge s pistacijinim plaščkom,
ki sva ju za novo leto dobila od sestrične in njenega najdražjega, ni več. :(
Še vedno pa je kilava zima. Vseeno lepa!

Homemade chocolate pops, a New Year’s present from my cousin and her dearest,
one with coconut and the other with pistachio coat, are gone. :(
But there is still a lousy winter. Beautiful though!

četrtek, 16. januar 2014

Recept, ki vsebuje nečedno dejanje
A recipe that includes an immoral act

Zadnjič sem si pripravila tako zelo slasten zajtrk, da moram recept nujno deliti z vami, kljub temu, da le-ta vsebuje eno nečedno dejanje. :)

Takole: ukradla sem mamine konopljine palačinke, ki so ostale od prejšnjega dne, jih na debelo premazala z grškim jogurtom in potresla s praženimi bučnimi semeni Oljarne Šaruga, ki sva jih dobila za Dedka Mraza direktno iz Prekmurja in ki so mi tako zelo okusne, da si jih zdaj posuvam skoraj po vsem, kar jem.

Tako sem si jih naslednje jutro, ko so palačinke pošle, skupaj z nasekljano rukolo natresla na s kajmakom namazan ajdov kruh z orehi. Zraven samo še najboljši kefir Krepko in dober tek!

The other day I prepared myself such a good breakfast I must share the recipe with you, even though it includes one immoral act. :)

Here it goes: I stole my mum’s hemp-flour pancakes that had left from previous day, spread a thick layer of a Greek yoghurt on and sprinkled it with the most delicious roasted pumpkin seeds, our national delicacy, delivered to us directly from the land of pumpkins :) for the New Year’s present, which I have always liked so much, but this roasted ones … mmm … I sprinkle them on almost everything I eat since.

So the next morning, when the pancakes were gone, I sprinkled them together with chopped rucola on slices of buckwheat and walnut bread with a kaymak spread on. All you need more is just a glass of the best kefir and dober tek, bon appetite!

sreda, 15. januar 2014

A promise

Nazadnje sva se ustavila še v Kopru, ki, sva kasneje rekla, mu morava v prihodnje dati kakšno priložnost, da se nama pokaže; do zdaj sva namreč upoštevala samo Izolo, ki nama je najljubša, in Piran, ki ga nekako ne moreš ne imeti rad, Koper pa … njega zanemarjava, priznam.

Obljubila sva si torej, da mu morava dovoliti, da se nama enkrat bolje predstavi.

For the last stop we went to Koper, to which we have to give a chance in the future to show us what it has to offer, we said later; namely, until now we have always been only in Izola, which we love, and Piran, which somehow one just cannot not loving it, but Koper … we neglect it, I admit.

We promised to let it introduce to us a bit more one day, when we will go to the Coast again.

[Koper tourist info here.]

torek, 14. januar 2014

Obmorski trojček
The seaside threesome

Mislim, da naju je pred pretiranim negodovanjem nad odsotnostjo sonca rešilo tudi dejstvo, da je Miro meni za hrbtom pripravil tak zanimiv program, ki ga je tokrat prvič v vsej najini ponovoletni pojdiva-na-Obalo zgodovini razširil na vse tri naše obmorske lepotce, tako da če gledam strogo uradno in želim izlet povzdigniti na pustolovsko raven, ja, je bil to pravzaprav roadtrip. :)

In ne samo to, mednje je smotrno porazdelil tudi kulinarični del izleta; kavico za prvi oddih in zajem morskih širin v Piranu, s pogledom na izgubljeno-v-megli hrvaško obalo, kosilo za obnovitev moči in kot priložnost za obisk ene najinih že vrsto let priljubljenih gostiln v Izoli, Gušt, kjer sem jedla z bučno kremo nadevane raviole s popečeno kraško panceto in praženimi bučnimi semeni, in sladico z dišeče živobarvne stojnice za boj proti prezgodnji temi v Kopru.

I believe the fact that Miro organised such an interesting programme behind my back, which he, for the first time in our whole after-new-year’s-let’s-go-to-the-sea history, expanded to all our three seaside pearls, also rescued us of too excessive complaining about the disappearance of the sun; so if I look at this strictly officially and if I want to lift the trip to adventure level, then this in fact was a roadtrip. :)

And this is not all; it was also the culinary part of the trip that he wisely divided between them all: we had coffee for a first pause and to catch sea wideness in Piran, with a view to a lost-in-the-fog Croatian coast on the other side of the bay, we had lunch to restore our strength and as an opportunity to visit one of our favourites restaurants in Izola again, Gušt, where I had pumpkin-cream filled ravioli with roasted kraška panceta [find it here] and roasted pumpkin seeds, and a dessert from a good-smelling and colourful stand in Koper to fight too early dark.

ponedeljek, 13. januar 2014

Narobe svet
An upside down world

Seveda sva, čisto po najino, na tisti dan, ko se je v Ljubljani, in da bo stvar zares do konca neverjetna, tudi drugod po Sloveniji, po dolgem času naredil zares lep dan, rinila na Obalo, najprej v Piran, kjer naju je pričakalo bolj kilavo vreme. Mislim, ne samo, da je sonce pobegnilo, napadla je celo megla! Narobe svet.

Nekaj časa sva se smejala, kako znava izbrati dan, potem pa brž jela zatrjevati drug drugemu, kako vendarle ni važno vreme, ampak da si znava sama narediti lep dan in drug v drugem prižigava sonce in tako naprej.

Kar je res, je res, slabo se nama res ni godilo, mogoče ker sva take vrste osebi, ki se znava na nek meni ljub način zelo lepo zliti v melanholičen dan, če je seveda razpoloženje že v osnovi pravo, in izvleči najboljše iz njega, ampak bemti!, vseeno je presneto manjkalo – če ne zaradi drugega, da bi človek lahko vsaj z veseljem na široko vdihnil.

Of course, what else, on a day when in Ljubljana, and to make this really unbelievable: even elsewhere around the country, after quite some time experienced a perfect sunny day, we decided to head south to our Coast, where we unexpectedly bumped into rather poor weather conditions on our first stop, Piran. I mean not just the sun has gone missing, but there was an attack of fog. An upside-down world.

For a while we just laughed about our ability to choose the right day and then started to motivate each other how we will not let this to ruin our day and how we light the sun in each other anyway and such stuff.

It is true, we did not spend the day bad at all; maybe it is because we are such persons who can sometimes so perfectly merge with a melancholic day, that is, if we start a day in the right mood already, and make the best out of it, but damn, it was still missed very much – if not for any other reason, at least to breath-in the air widely with all the joy.
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